Vedder & Stockrahm (Bremen): Alüminiumun qiyməti - Alüminium | Price change 

Vedder & Stockrahm (Bremen): Alüminiumun qiyməti | Alüminium | Price change

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Vedder & Stockrahm
Scrap metal prices in Germany. Cash for scrap metal in Bremen city. Vedder & Stockrahm scrap metal recycling - container service - raw materials trading. Certified waste management company. We know that once you find the scrap dealer you trust, you will never want to go anywhere. Nevertheless, we have good reasons why you should come to us! In addition to good prices for your metals and scrap, we offer you a high level of service. Fast processing. Immediate cash payment upon delivery. Weighing on calibrated scales from 1 kilo to 30 tons. Help with unloading and sorting. Pick-up from 1.5 tons. Long opening times. A consistent assumption. Trained and friendly staff. Analysis of the materials y