ESTAKADA Sp. z o.o. 52756/4

ul. Więckowskiego 144
Łódź, पोलैंड
660 499 154
pon. - pt. 7.00 - 16.30
Cash for scrap metal Lodz city, Scrap metal prices Poland. The price of scrap batteries in Lodz city. The price of scrap aluminum. The price of scrap copper. Purchase of scrap brass in. Stainless steel scrap price. Purchase Price of scrap lead. Welcome to our company, which has many years of experience in the market of secondary raw materials. The activity of our company is based on the purchase of secondary raw materials, which include: steel scrap, iron scrap, non-ferrous metals, electronic scrap. We offer cooperation aimed at both entrepreneurs and individual clients. Scrap metal can be sold in almost any major city. Purchase scrap prices are different due to the buyers' pricing policy, but they are similar. Purchase scrap prices depend on metals prices on stock exchanges and change frequently. The price changes are influenced by the need and supply of this raw material on the market. Always check scrap prices before selling.
Currency converter
पीतल/कांस्य स्क्रैप की कीमत
4.332 €/kg price up
Price change Mosiądz żółty
3.981 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosiądz pobiał
3.747 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosiądz chłodnice (bez FE)
3.747 €/kg no changes
Price change Wióra mosiądzu i brązu
लीड स्क्रैप की कीमत
1.101 €/kg no changes
Price change Ołów czysty
1.007 €/kg no changes
Price change Ołów brudny, tłusty
0.117 €/kg no changes
Price change Ołów - odważniki samochodowe
स्क्रैप एल्यूमीनियम की कीमतें
2.225 €/kg price down
Price change Al. sektor
2.107 €/kg price down
Price change AL. linka
2.038 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. profile białe, surowe do 1m
1.991 €/kg price up
Price change AL. płyty offsetowe
1.803 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. profile lakierowane do 1 m
1.686 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. felgi (bez PB/FE)
1.334 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. odlewnicze
1.265 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. plastyczne
1.007 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. linka zaoliwiona
0.889 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. chłodnice (bez FE)
0.819 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. puszki
0.75 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. wióra
0.281 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. żaluzje
0.281 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. rolety z pianką
0.281 €/kg no changes
Price change AL. folia
AL.CU. chłodnice
AL. gary spożywcze
स्क्रैप तांबे की कीमत
7.26 €/kg no changes
Price change CU milbera
7.025 €/kg no changes
Price change CU kawałkowa świecąca
6.558 €/kg no changes
Price change CU niesortowana
6.323 €/kg no changes
Price change CU pobielana
5.504 €/kg no changes
Price change CU piecyki, wióry
4.684 €/kg no changes
Price change CU cewki,bawełna,mika
स्क्रैप धातु की कीमत
0.21 €/kg no changes
Price change W7 stal konsrukcyjna
0.199 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal wsadowa - W2
0.199 €/kg no changes
Price change Żeliwo
स्क्रैप बैटरी
Akumulatory ołowiowe
स्क्रैप स्टेनलेस स्टील की कीमत
0.89 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal nierdzewna
0.234 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal nierdzewna-garnki,grzałki,wymienniki

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.