ОАО Белвторчермет 购买价格, Минск | Scrap metal prices Minsk city, Belarus. Procurement enterprises of the... 

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ОАО Белвторчермет 36415/6

Платонова 20Б-7
Минск, 白俄罗斯
+375 17 239-80-01
Пн.-Чт. 9:00-17:00, Пт. 9:00-16:00
Scrap metal prices Minsk city, Belarus. Procurement enterprises of the State Association Belvtormet carry out the procurement of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, as well as the purchase of household scrap from the population. The organization carries out dismantling of metal structures and technological equipment of any complexity with subsequent self-pickup. Payment for services rendered is made on mutually beneficial terms, by the offsetting method for the delivered scrap metal. For more than nine decades, the state system of treatment of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals has been operating. Over the years of its existence, it has become a dynamically developing, high-tech and technically equipped branch of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus. In 1941, the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR forever changed the course of peaceful life in a vast country. The country is in dire need of ferrous metal, the demand for iron and steel was high. The solution of this problem was entrusted to the All-Union Production Association Vtorchermet, created in 1941, which became the successor to Glavvtorchermet. Vtorchemet units appeared throughout the Trans-Urals, since this territory remained far from hostilities. The program for the expansion of the procurement network 'Vtormet' and its equipment were carried out jointly with the enterprises of the apparatus of Glavvtorchermet. In 1944-1948, the Belarusian republican office 'Belvtorchermet' of the Main Directorate for the procurement, processing and marketing of secondary ferrous metals of the People's Commissariat of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR was engaged in the procurement, processing and sale of secondary raw materials on the territory of the BSSR. In eight cities of the republic - Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Orsha, Polotsk, Borisov - production sites for scrap metal acceptance, cutting, sorting and shipment have been created. The enterprises of the association are equipped with modern technological equipment, from scrap processing to assembly and foundry, staffed with highly qualified personnel; have a huge technical, financial and economic potential that allows them to solve a wide range of strategic tasks on the path of technological progress. The quality management systems in place at the enterprises that comply with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009 make it possible to guarantee the reliability of products to the consumer, and high labor productivity and the use of the latest technologies make prices affordable. Confirmation of the high quality of products are the diplomas won by the State Association Belvtormet at numerous domestic and international exhibitions. The economic benefit and the environmental imperative in metal recycling are equally important. Since the depletion of non-renewable natural resources is an objective and at the same time alarming fact, just like the fact that ore mining requires significant costs. But environmental tension is created by unclaimed, out-of-service scrap, the uncontrolled oxidation of which poses a threat of soil and water pollution. In a word, metal processing is vital and profitable.
Currency converter
0.233 €/公斤 no changes
Price change Металлолом чугунный N1 (17A) - для фирм
0.192 €/公斤 no changes
Price change М/лом N3 (3A) - для фирм
0.171 €/公斤 no changes
Price change М/лом бытовой нерассортированный (32H)
0.145 €/公斤 no changes
Price change М/лом негабаритный (5A) - для фирм
0.089 €/公斤 no changes
Price change М/лом легковесный N2 (12A) - для фирм
0.044 €/公斤 no changes
Price change Стружка стальная (16A) - для фирм
0.882 €/公斤 price up
Price change аккумуляторные батареи не разделанные
0.882 €/公斤 price up
Price change аккумуляторные батареи не разделанные
0.885 €/公斤 price up
Price change Бытовой лом свинца
6.296 €/公斤 price up
Price change Бытовой лом меди - Чистая медь. сорт 1
6.019 €/公斤 price up
Price change Бытовой лом меди. Сорт4
2.404 €/公斤 price up
Price change Бытовой лом меди низкокачественный. Сорт 5
1.066 €/公斤 price down
Price change Бытовой лом алюминия чистого. Сорт 1
0.816 €/公斤 price down
Price change Бытовой лом алюминия не засоренный другими металлами. Сорт 1а
0.777 €/公斤 price up
Price change Бытовой лом алюминия. Сорт 2
0.626 €/公斤 price down
Price change Бытовой лом алюминия низкокачественный. Сорт 3
3.607 €/公斤 price up
Price change Бытовой лом латуни - Сорт 2
Бытовой лом бронзы

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.