Cash for scrap metal Minsk / Scrap metal prices, Belarus. Buying Price for used batteries in Minsk. Aluminum scrap price. Buying Price of scrap copper in Minsk city, Belarus. Brass scrap price. The price of stainless steel scrap. Lead scrap price. We buying polyethylene, waste paper, plastic boxes, scrap metal, waste of ferrous (steel, cast iron) and non-ferrous metals (aluminum, magnesium, zinc, copper, brass, nickel, tin). For more than nine decades, the state system for handling scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals has been operating. Over the years of its existence, it has become a dynamically developing, high-tech and technically equipped branch of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus. Scrap Batteries purchasing is available in many countries and only licensed companies can ensure the ecological and legal disposal. UE Minskkoopvtorresursy buys from the population, sorts and sells recyclables in any volume. We accept polyethylene, waste paper, plastic boxes, scrap metal, ferrous waste (steel, cast iron) and non-ferrous metals (aluminum, zinc, copper, brass). UE Minskkoopvtorresursy purchases secondary raw materials from enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Belarus of any form of ownership. In unlimited quantities, we accept tires, waste paper, polyethylene, PET bottles, cullet. The Minskkoopvtorresursy enterprise is one of the largest enterprises procuring secondary raw materials. For legal entities, we have created the most favorable conditions for cooperation and, when delivering large volumes, we offer an increase in the price under an additional agreement. We are always ready to cooperate on a long-term basis with both organizations and individual entrepreneurs. In the city of Minsk and in nearby cities, we have more than 50 collection points for secondary raw materials from individuals. For our customers, we offer a flexible and attractive pricing policy for various types of recyclables.
Currency converter
Akumuliatorių supirkimo kainos
Аккумуляторные батареи не разделанные
Aliuminio laužo supirkimo kainos
Бытовой лом алюминия чистого (Сорт 1)
Бытовой лом алюминия (Сорт 1а)
Бытовой лом алюминия (Сорт 2)
Бытовой лом алюминия низкокачественный (Сорт 3)
Elektronikos laužo supirkimo kainos
Отходы электрического и электронного оборудования
Metalo laužo supirkimo kainos
Металлолом бытовой стальной
М/лом бытовой нерассортированный
Металлолом бытовой - чугунный
Švino laužo supirkimo kainos
Бытовой лом свинца
Vario laužo supirkimo kainos
Бытовой лом меди - Чистая медь (сорт 1)
Бытовой лом меди (Сорт4)
Бытовой лом меди низкокачественный (Сорт 5)
Žalvario, bronzos supirkimo kainos
Бытовой лом латуни (Сорт 2)
Бытовой лом бронзы (Сорт 3)
* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.