APK Köppris, Klaipėda | Cash for scrap metal Liepų str.85, Klaipėda city / Purchase price of...  

APK 78465/7

Liepų g. 85
Klaipėda, Litauen
+370 618 57970
darbo laikas nenurodytas
Cash for scrap metal Liepų str.85, Klaipėda city / Purchase price of scrap metal Lithuania. Aluminum purchase price, copper purchase price Klaipeda. Purchase price of scrap brass / bronze scrap. Purchase price of stainless steel scrap Klaipeda. Purchase price of lead scrap. APK UAB purchases scrapped, no longer used vehicles from residents and organizations (natural persons and legal entities) in order to utilize them. The company issues references, necessary for deregistration of vehicles from the Vehicles’ Register Regitra. If necessary, we remove the vehicles ourselves. We use transparent and responsible business practices. We make every effort to ensure that all of our existing and future activity processes are safe and have the least detrimental effect on the environment. We dedicate special attention to raising our employees’ qualifications, mastering the most advanced technologies in our daily activities and the implementation of modern business administration systems. The company buys old obsolete cars from residents and organizations (natural and legal persons) for disposal. The certificates required for the de-registration of vehicles at the Registry are issued. If necessary, we take the vehicles ourselves or we can provide trailer rental services. The company performs cargo transshipment services with various types of vehicles. Particularly favorable conditions for transhipment of railway and road cargo. It is possible to receive railway cargo, reload it into road transport or sea containers. We weigh loads up to 60 tons with electronic scales. Purchased and prepared metal scrap is sold for processing to Holland, Denmark, Spain, Germany, as well as to Asian ports.
Currency converter

Last updated: 2025.01.11
Aluminiumskrot pris
1.05 €/kg no changes
Price change Aliuminio laužas
Bilbatteri skrotpris
0.62 €/kg no changes
Price change Akumuliatorių laužas
Kopparskrot pris
7.3 €/kg price up
Price change Vario laužas
0.265 €/kg price up
Price change Gabaritinis metalo laužas
0.25 €/kg price up
Price change Negabaritinis metalo laužas
0.24 €/kg price up
Price change Skardų metalo laužas
0.215 €/kg price up
Price change Vielos, drožlės, nerūšinis metalo laužas
0.215 €/kg price up
Price change Automobilių kėbulai
Plienas (storasienis) OA
Skrotpris mässing
4.5 €/kg price up
Price change Žalvario laužas
Skrotpris rostfritt stål
1.02 €/kg price down
Price change Nerūdijančio plieno laužas

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.