SIA Fero M Supirkimo kainos, Jelgava | Cash for scrap metal Jelgava city, Scrap metal prices Latvia. Scrap ba...  

SIA Fero M 65084/18

Aviācijas iela 18N
Jelgava, Latvija
Pir - Pia 8.00 - 17.00
Cash for scrap metal Jelgava city, Scrap metal prices Latvia. Scrap batteries price, scrap aluminium price Latvia, scrap copper price, scrap stainless steel Latvia. Our primary field of activity is purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap from both natural and legal persons. We also offer dismantling services for metal structures and constructions of any complexity, including metal cutting and collection of the obtained scrap from the respective location, as well as free placement of containers for recyclable materials at the customer’s site. The company also purchases and collects household appliances, passenger cars (whole cars, with the possibility of removing them from the CSDD records), batteries, catalytic converters. Our stability, speed, confidence in our abilities, know-how and individual approach to each client make a foundation for successful cooperation. We buy battery batteries from legal and natural persons for further disposal. When accepting used batteries, all necessary documents are issued. The price depends on the number of batteries. There are no technical restrictions - we accept amulators in any condition (whole or damaged, with or without liquid). Used batteries are divided into the following categories: Unbroken used lead batteries with undischarged electrolyte; Unbroken spent lead batteries without electrolyte; Lead plates of spent batteries - III danger class; In addition, used batteries are divided into acid (lead) and alkaline batteries. We accept unusable and obsolete cars for scrap. Technical regulations: If the car has already been removed from the registration in CSDD, then there are no technical restrictions. You can see the prices for the full set of cars on the black metal price page - category 12M. If the car has not yet been removed from the CSDD register, we offer to do it for you. When handing over a passenger car that has not been removed from the register, the following is required: the mandatory presence of the OWNER mentioned in the technical passport, or his authorized person (the power of attorney must be legally correctly drawn up and valid); the owner or the authorized person must present an identity document (passport or driver's license), the owner's power of attorney, if the car is handed over by the authorized person, the car's documents (registration certificate, etc.), as well as the car's registration number plates; the car must be in such a condition that it is possible to compare it with the information provided in the registration certificate - manufacturer, model, color, chassis number.
Currency converter
Akumuliatorių supirkimo kainos
0.62 €/kg no changes
Price change Nolietoti svina akumulatori
0.35 €/kg no changes
Price change Akumulatori Ni Cr
Aliuminio laužo supirkimo kainos
1.85 €/kg price up
Price change Alumīnija lietie auto diski
1.85 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnijs pārtikas
1.45 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnija lējumi
1.4 €/kg price up
Price change Alumīnija velmējumi
1.1 €/kg price up
Price change Alumīnija bundžas
1.05 €/kg price up
Price change Alumīnija auto radiatori
0.85 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnijs - skaidas
0.4 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnijs (Mix 25%)
0.35 €/kg no changes
Price change 3Al Fe
0.3 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnija kabeļi PVC izolācijā
Alumīnija Cu radiatori
Elektronikos laužo supirkimo kainos
0.085 €/kg no changes
Price change 12M sadzīves lūžņi
Katalizatorių supirkimo kainos
500 €/kg no changes
Price change Nolietoti auto katalizatori
16 €/kg no changes
Price change Dzelzs katalizatori
Metalo laužo supirkimo kainos
0.2 €/kg price down
Price change 3A Gabarīts
0.2 €/kg price down
Price change 17A - Čuguns (600x500x500)
0.175 €/kg price down
Price change 5A Lielgabarīta tērauds >4mm
0.175 €/kg price down
Price change 20A - Čuguna lūžņi <4000kg, gabala
0.17 €/kg price down
Price change 12A Lielgabarīta skārds
0.16 €/kg no changes
Price change 12AM Neizjauktas, veselas automašīnas
0.115 €/kg no changes
Price change 16A - Skaidas
0.085 €/kg no changes
Price change 12M izjauktas, netīrītas automobiļu piekabes
OA - Metāllūžņi no biezām metāla konstrukcijām. Biezums no 8mm un vairāk
5AN - Negabarīta tērauda lūžņi
12AN - Tērauda lokšņi, slokšņi
Nerūdijančio plieno supirkimo kainos
1.2 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējoša tērauda lūžņi 10% Ni
1 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējoša tērauda lūžņi - 8% Ni
0.8 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējoša tērauda lūžņi skaidas
0.28 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējoša tērauda lūžņi Ni, kas satur Cr (hromu)
Švino laužo supirkimo kainos
1.15 €/kg no changes
Price change Svina lūžņi ar piesārņojumu
Svina lūžņi (99%)
Vario laužo supirkimo kainos
7.35 €/kg price down
Price change Vara lūžņi 95%
6.8 €/kg price up
Price change Vara lūžņi 85%
3.2 €/kg no changes
Price change Automobiļu vara kabeļi
1.5 €/kg no changes
Price change Vara kabeļi PVC izolācijā
1.3 €/kg no changes
Price change Auto ģenerātori
1 €/kg no changes
Price change Auto starteri
0.85 €/kg no changes
Price change Vara transformatori
0.77 €/kg price down
Price change Elektrodzinēji
Vara lūžņi 98%
Ledusskapju kompresori
Žalvario, bronzos supirkimo kainos
4.85 €/kg price up
Price change Misiņa lūžņi
4.7 €/kg price up
Price change Misiņa radiatori
4.4 €/kg no changes
Price change Misiņa skaidas

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.