Tolmets Kurzeme Ceny, Liepāja | Scrap metal prices Liepaja city, Latvia. SIA Tolmets Kurzeme is the le...  

Tolmets Kurzeme 60283/12

Kapsēdes iela 2d
Liepāja, Lotyšsko
+371 634 27118
I - V 8:00 - 17:00
Scrap metal prices Liepaja city, Latvia. SIA Tolmets Kurzeme is the leading scrap metal purchasing and processing company in Kurzeme. The company offers a wide range of services - prompt purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap, batteries, electronic scrap and car catalysts. We provide scrap metal collection and removal by company transport. We offer free passenger car trailer rental (up to 2 hours) for the delivery of scrap metal at the point of purchase. We provide convenient preparation of documents and fast payment. The company offers advantageous solutions for the transfer of ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap, we carry out the dismantling of various objects and ships, the disposal of used cars and their removal from the CSDD records. The company has all the necessary equipment for fast and convenient execution of the offered services. We offer the highest prices and a flexible approach to every customer! We determine the composition of catalysts, precious metals and non-ferrous metal scrap with a professional metal analyzer. With the word [scrap metal], many understand that these are metal objects that no one needs. But in reality, these items are valid and even valuable. We provide safe and fast removal and collection of scrap metal with company transport, which are equipped with a container collection system and manipulators. The company deals with disposal and purchase of ships with more than 20 years of experience. The company dismantles ships at the Tosmare Ship Repair Factory in Liepāja.
Currency converter
Výkup akumulátorů
0.62 €/kg price up
Price change Akumulatori
0.3 €/kg no changes
Price change Sārmu akumulatori
Výkup hliníku
1.9 €/kg price up
Price change AL elektroalumīnijs
1.8 €/kg price up
Price change AL pārtika (maksimālie izmēri: 1500x500x500 mm)
1.75 €/kg price up
Price change tīri automašīnu lietie diski
1.6 €/kg no changes
Price change AL AD-31 profils (maksimālie izmēri: 1500x500x500 mm)
1.4 €/kg no changes
Price change AL lējums
1.25 €/kg no changes
Price change AL velmējumi (maksimālie izmēri: 1500x500x500 mm)
1 €/kg no changes
Price change AL radiatori
0.93 €/kg no changes
Price change AL mix - sīki gabaliņi
0.87 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnija bundžas
0.83 €/kg no changes
Price change Alumīnija skaidas
0.35 €/kg no changes
Price change Neizjaukts alumīnija kabelis
Výkup mědi
7.25 €/kg price up
Price change Vara lūžņi 96% (stieples, plākšņu atgriezumi, trauki, lietņi)
6.85 €/kg price up
Price change Vara lūžņi 90%
3.6 €/kg price up
Price change Automobīļu vara kabeļi
3.1 €/kg no changes
Price change AL vara radiatori
1.1 €/kg no changes
Price change Ģeneratori ar vara tinumu
0.82 €/kg no changes
Price change Starteri
0.8 €/kg no changes
Price change Elektromotori ar vara tinumu
0.71 €/kg no changes
Price change Elektromotori ar vara tinumu virs 0,5 tn.
0.55 €/kg no changes
Price change Kompresori no ledusskapjiem
Výkup mosazi, bronzu
4.7 €/kg price up
Price change Misiņš
4.35 €/kg price up
Price change Misiņa radiatori
3.7 €/kg price up
Price change Misiņa skaidas
Bronzas lūžņi
Výkup nerezu
1.2 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējošais tērauds ar Ni 10%
1 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējošais tērauds - ar Ni 8%
0.81 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūsējošā tērauda skaidas
0.27 €/kg no changes
Price change Hroma tērauds, satur Cr 12%
Výkup olova
1.45 €/kg price up
Price change Svins (tīrs, bez akumulatoriem un dzelzs)
1.15 €/kg price up
Price change Svina lūžņi ar citu metālu piejaukumu
0.3 €/kg no changes
Price change Svins no riteņu balansieriem
Výkup železa
0.25 €/kg price up
Price change metāllūžņi no biezām metāla konstrukcijām - OA
0.245 €/kg price up
Price change negabarīta lūžņi no tīra tērauda atlikumiem - 5AN
0.245 €/kg price up
Price change tīri tērauda lokšņu un slokšņu atkritumi - 12AN
0.235 €/kg price up
Price change tērauda gabarīta metāllūžņi - 3A
0.235 €/kg price up
Price change gabarīta čuguna metāllūžņi - 17A
0.205 €/kg price up
Price change metāllūžņi ar neierobežotiem gabarīta - 5A
0.205 €/kg price up
Price change lielgabarīta čuguna lūžņi - 20A
0.2 €/kg price up
Price change skārds - 12A
0.2 €/kg price up
Price change negabarīta armatūras metāllūžņi - 5AR
0.195 €/kg price up
Price change tērauda troses; ģeometriskie izmēri netiek reglamentēti - 12AS
0.18 €/kg price up
Price change alvotais skārds (skārda lūžņi, kas satur alvas piemaisījumu) - 12SN
0.16 €/kg price down
Price change pilnā komplektācijā esošas automašīnas - 12AM
0.15 €/kg no changes
Price change tērauda skaidas - 16A
0.08 €/kg price up
Price change izjaukti vieglie automobiļi - 12M

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.