EKO-GÓRA Sp. z o.o. Prezzo d acquisto, Góra | Scrap metal prices in Poland, EKO-GÓRA, Gora city. The company deals ...  

EKO-GÓRA Sp. z o.o. 649/5

ul. Długa 1
Góra, Polonia
Pn. - Pt. 8.00 – 16.00, Sb 8.00 – 13.00
Scrap metal prices in Poland, EKO-GÓRA, Gora city. The company deals with the processing of materials and metal structures, which are various types of waste. Most often, these include remains from demolition, old cars, and various types of devices that are not suitable for further use. Our collection of non-ferrous and steel scrap allows customers to get rid of unnecessary or no longer working devices and elements
Currency converter

Last updated: 2025.01.28
Prezzo acciaio usato
0.807 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal nierdzewna (KWAS) do 50 kg
Prezzo alluminio usato
1.568 €/kg no changes
Price change Felgi do 50 kg
1.52 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium Offset do 50 kg
1.259 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium odlew -2% do 50 kg
1.188 €/kg no changes
Price change Profile lakierowane do 50 kg
1.164 €/kg no changes
Price change Gary / blacha do 50 kg
0.998 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium plastyka MIX do 50 kg
0.974 €/kg no changes
Price change Izoprofil do 50 kg
0.855 €/kg no changes
Price change Chłodnice -5% do 50 kg
0.832 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium Puszki do 50 kg
Prezzo ferro al kg
0.19 €/kg no changes
Price change Złom wsad -4%
0.143 €/kg no changes
Price change Złom blacha -6%
Prezzo ottone usato
3.919 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosiądz chłodnice bez Fe do 50 kg
3.871 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosiądz pobiał mix do 50 kg
Prezzo piombo usato
1.496 €/kg no changes
Price change Ołów czysty do 50 kg
1.354 €/kg no changes
Price change Ołów brudny do 50 kg
Prezzo rame usato
6.294 €/kg no changes
Price change CU kawałek do 50 kg
6.128 €/kg no changes
Price change Cu niesort (palona) do 50 kg
0.974 €/kg no changes
Price change Alternatory do 50 kg
0.665 €/kg no changes
Price change Rozruszniki do 50 kg
0.38 €/kg no changes
Price change Silniki elektryczne do 50 kg

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.