Sadoff Iron & Metal Company ціна, Wisconsin, Fond du Lac | Scrap metal & scrap electronics prices Wisconsin, Fond du Lac. We acce...  

Sadoff Iron & Metal Company 4392/245

Scrap metal & scrap electronics prices Wisconsin, Fond du Lac. We accept many materials for recycling at our various recycling centers. There are also materials we do not accept, so please review the lists below. And, to make your visit even smoother, read our material acceptance policy. To provide the opportunity for local, not-for-profit organizations to raise funds by recycling metals. At the same time, we encourage continual education, energy savings, and waste recovery through the recycling efforts of members of the organization. You have old or obsolete electronics, like TVs, monitors, cell phones, AV equipment, or computer towers. We’ll also help you recycle batteries, tablets, game consoles, and printers. Recycling them (E-recycling) helps the environment, creates energy savings, and boosts your bottom line. And, when it’s done properly, it ensures the security of confidential data protecting you, your employees, and your customers. Recycle your old USB drives, external storage drives, or computer hard drives to secure your data and improve your sustainability metrics. This graphic is an overview of our electronics recycling process, but know that we’ll customize a solution to fit your needs. From Omaha to Green Bay, connect with one of our Wisconsin or Nebraska locations to get started. Sadoff E-recycling & Data Destruction serves customers throughout the United States. We operate 7 domestic electronics recycling drop-off facilities, offering customized and secure services nationwide. Wisconsin locations include Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Manitowoc, Oshkosh, and Sheboygan. Nebraska facilities are located in Lincoln and Omaha, and these locations also service our customers in Kansas City.
Currency converter

Last updated: 2025.01.10
Ціна алюмінію за 1 кг
0.613 €/lb no changes
Price change Clean Aluminum Based Scrap
0.377 €/lb no changes
Price change Aluminum Cans
Ціна брухту електроніки
0.217 €/lb no changes
Price change Servers (complete)
0.217 €/lb no changes
Price change Network Gear (Routers/Modems/Switches)
0.142 €/lb no changes
Price change Hard Drive w/Board
0.085 €/lb no changes
Price change Power Supply W/Cord
0.047 €/lb no changes
Price change Hard Drive w/out Board
0.047 €/lb no changes
Price change ower Supply W/out Cord
0.047 €/lb no changes
Price change Game Systems/Cable Boxes
TVs - RECYCLING FEE $0.50/lbs
Projection TV's - RECYCLING FEE $0.65/lbs
Monitors - RECYCLING FEE $0.50/lbs
Keyboards / Mice - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
Misc Consumer Electronics - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
UPS without battery - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
Toner/Ink Cartridge - RECYCLING FEE $0.50/lbs
Tapes/CD/DVD, Thumb Drives, FOBS - RECYCLING FEE $2.00/unit
DVD Players, VHS Players, Cameras, Projectors - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
iPods / Portable Music Devices, CD Players - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
Cassette Players, Speakers, and Amps - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
Printers/Copiers/Fax Machines - RECYCLING FEE $0.25/lbs
Video Games - RECYCLING FEE $0.20/lbs
Ціна брухту компютерів
0.519 €/lb no changes
Price change Complete Laptops (Good Screen)
0.377 €/lb no changes
Price change Incomplete Laptops
0.33 €/lb no changes
Price change Complete Laptops (Bad Screen)
0.179 €/lb no changes
Price change ISeries PC's and Laptops
0.085 €/lb no changes
Price change Desktops / PC's
Tablets - RECYCLING FEE $0.50/lbs
Ціна брухту телефонів
1.792 €/lb no changes
Price change Cell Phone w/out Battery
1.179 €/lb no changes
Price change Cellular Phone w/ Internal Battery
Ціна бу акумуляторів
0.142 €/lb no changes
Price change Batteries
LI-ION Batteries to sort/tape - RECYCLING FEE $1.00/lbs
Cell Phone Battery (TAPED) - RECYCLING FEE $1.00/lbs
Laptop Battery (TAPED) - RECYCLING FEE $1.00/lbs
LI-ION Tool Batteries (TAPED) - RECYCLING FEE $1.00/lbs
Ціна латуні за 1 кг
2.17 €/lb no changes
Price change Clean Yellow Brass
2.075 €/lb no changes
Price change Clean Brass Radiators
Ціна металобрухту
0.226 €/кг no changes
Price change 2 Foot Prepared Auto / Machine Cast
0.208 €/кг no changes
Price change 3 Foot Steel
0.16 €/кг no changes
Price change Sheet Iron
0.16 €/кг no changes
Price change Farm Machinery / Unprepared
0.151 €/кг no changes
Price change Autobodies (shredder prepared)
Ціна міді за 1 кг
3.491 €/lb no changes
Price change Clean Copper
2.642 €/lb no changes
Price change Insulated Copper Wire
Ціна нержавійки за 1 кг
0.472 €/lb no changes
Price change Clean 18/8 Stainless Steel
Ціна свинцю за 1 кг
0.491 €/lb no changes
Price change Clean Lead
Ціны каталізаторів
471.698 €/штука no changes
Price change Auto Catalytic Converters

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.