UAB Metruna Kokkuostu hinnad, Kaunas | Scarp metal yard in Kaunas city, Lithuania. UAB Metruna buys ferrous a...  

UAB Metruna 111365/8

Ateities pl. 34C
Kaunas, Leedu
Pirm. - Penkt. 08:00 - 17:00
Scarp metal yard in Kaunas city, Lithuania. UAB Metruna buys ferrous and non-ferrous metals and waste, prepares them for processing and wholesale trade. The company buys all kinds of scrap metal, lead batteries. The company assembles electrical and electronic equipment. We pay one of the highest prices in the market. We dispose of motor vehicles, issue certificates. We bring containers for scrap metal to construction sites or other sites. We take out larger amounts of scrap metal ourselves, using our own transport. The company collected lead batteries, electrical and electronic equipment and their waste, unusable vehicles (certificates of destruction are issued). Purchased and prepared scrap metal is sold both in Lithuania and in foreign countries such as Latvia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland.
Currency converter
Akude kokkuostu hinnad
0.62 €/kg no changes
Price change Švino akumuliatoriai
Alumiiniumi hind
1.7 €/kg no changes
Price change Aliuminio profilis dažytas
1.6 €/kg price up
Price change Maistinis aliuminis
1.6 €/kg price up
Price change Aliuminio profilis su premaišom - ISO
1.5 €/kg price up
Price change Aliuminis variklinis
1.25 €/kg price up
Price change Aliuminio skarda
1.1 €/kg price up
Price change Aliuminio radiatoriai (su metalu ar plastiku)
0.7 €/kg no changes
Price change Aliuminio žaliuzės, drožlės
Aliuminio ratlankiai (su ventiliais ar švino svareliais)
Aliuminio skardinės
Žalvario, bronzos laužas
1.35 €/kg price up
Price change Švinas švarus
Švino laužas (ratų svareliai, plombos su viela)
Roostevaba teras
1.1 €/kg price down
Price change Nerūdijančio plieno laužas
0.5 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūdijantis tis plienas (puodai,virduliai, Cu/Ni radiatoriai)
0.29 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerūdijančio plieno drožlės
Vanametalli hinnad
0.26 €/kg price down
Price change Geležies laužas (gabaritinis)
0.24 €/kg price down
Price change Geležies laužas (negabaritinis)
0.238 €/kg price down
Price change Geležies laužas Mix
0.23 €/kg price down
Price change Geležies skarda
0.23 €/kg price down
Price change Automobilių kėbulai
0.2 €/kg no changes
Price change Metalo drožlės
0.16 €/kg price down
Price change Automobilis - pilna komplektacija
0.15 €/kg price down
Price change Automobilis iškomplektuotas
Vase hind
5 €/kg price up
Price change Vario radiatoriai, drožlės
2.7 €/kg price up
Price change Aliuminio radiatoriai su vario vamzdeliais
1.2 €/kg price up
Price change Automobilių generatoriai
0.9 €/kg no changes
Price change Automobilių starteriai
0.72 €/kg no changes
Price change Elektros variklių laužas
Vario laužas

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.