PHU Metal Marcin Pomian Ostohinnat, Suwałki | Scrap metal yard in Poland. Purchase of scrap metal in Suwałki, Polan...  

PHU Metal Marcin Pomian 79570/5

ul. Przytorowa 16 - 400
Suwałki, Puola
I - V 06:00 - 16:00, VI 06:00 - 14:00
Scrap metal yard in Poland. Purchase of scrap metal in Suwałki, Poland. Purchase of non-ferrous metals, incl. cans, copper, aluminum, brass and others. Purchase of steel and cast iron scrap. We buy batteries, catalysts, DPF filters and monolith from catalysts. Utility scrap is scrap that can be used for purposes other than remelting it. It is sold by scrap yards and collection points at the request of their customers. Trade in scrap takes place at scrap collection points and scrap yards. Large suppliers of scrap are, for example, producers from the metal industry, machinery, machinery and equipment as well as means of transport. The municipalities are also suppliers of scrap (waste segregation). Scrap metal collection can be a source of income for private individuals. We buy batteries, catalysts, DPF filters and monolith from catalysts. For an approximate value of the catalyst, please contact us at 502-648-707 or send an SMS with the catalyst number, we will send you a quote for this specific model. Car batteries - there is no need to hide - are rather necessary. They work like a battery with great power and without a battery, even the smallest toy will not turn on.
Currency converter
Lyijyn hinta
1.174 €/kg no changes
Price change Ołów czysty
Messingin hinta
4.219 €/kg price down
Price change Mosiądz żółty
3.75 €/kg price down
Price change Mosiądz biały
3.516 €/kg no changes
Price change Chłodnice mosiężne
Romu alumiinin hinta
1.641 €/kg no changes
Price change Felgi aluminiowe
1.641 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium elektryczne(linka i sektor)
1.289 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium odlew
1.124 €/kg no changes
Price change Aluminium plastyka
1.009 €/kg price up
Price change Puszki aluminiowe (UWAGA!!! Nic nie odliczamy, nie odliczamy 5% na zanieczyszczenia).
0.822 €/kg no changes
Price change Chłodnice aluminiowe
Romuakkujen hinta
0.422 €/kg price down
Price change Akumulatory samochodowe
Romukuparin hinta
7.263 €/kg price down
Price change Miedż Milbera
6.795 €/kg price down
Price change Miedź świecąca
6.326 €/kg price down
Price change Miedź
0.588 €/kg no changes
Price change Silniki elektryczne
0.588 €/kg no changes
Price change Alternatory
Romumetallin hinta
0.257 €/kg no changes
Price change Złom żeliwny
0.246 €/kg no changes
Price change Złom stalowy ciężki
0.211 €/kg no changes
Price change Złom lekki
Ruostumaton teräs hinta
1.01 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal nierdzewna

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.