Scrap metal prices Finland, Jyvaskyla city. The company Reteko Jyväskylä city scrap yard operates in a clean hall right next to the center of Oulu, in the Rusko Industrial Area. It is easy and quick to arrive at our office. Our opening hours are also planned so that you can conveniently bring scrap to us, for example after work. The hall is also a convenient and safe environment, no large machines that dodge or burst tires. Now you can get rid of scrap metal effortlessly and quickly. You don’t have to shave a junk load for miles, unless you want to. Reteko picks up, buys and recycles all kinds of scrap metals from side to side. Feel free to ask for more if the quality of the material or anything else in our service makes you think. Recycle the gradually accumulating scrap metal in larger batches, so that transporting them away is also more environmentally friendly. You just order the Recycling boxes online, collect the scraps in it and call us when the box is full. We will pick up the Recycling Box as soon as possible and replace it with a new one if necessary. You will receive the money in your account immediately after delivery. There's no point in collecting scrap metal to roll around in corners! While you get rid of the scrap and get money from it, the industry gets valuable raw material to make new products. In addition, recycling scrap metal is environmentally friendly and helps curb climate change. We buy and recycle all kinds of metal scrap, from copper to catalytic converters and from rusted car scrap to industrial metal demolition waste. As an experienced metal recycling company, we know the laws and regulations governing the industry, as well as the correct scrapping and processing methods. We take care of the entire scrapping and recycling bin, including paperwork, for you. You can trust that we will remove your vehicle from the register according to the official formula. You will receive a scrapping certificate from us, which releases you from all responsibilities related to the vehicle, such as taxes and insurance premiums. Reteko is the official pick-up point for scrap cars, which means we are part of the Autokierättin network. In addition to scrap cars, we also accept other vehicles, such as motorcycles and sleds, ATVs, tractors, work machines and trailers.
Currency converter
Aluminium skrap priser
Alumiini Vanha
Alumiini - kupari kennot
Aluminiini valu
Alumiini rautapitoinen
Bly skrap priser
Pb - Lyijy, sekalainen
Pb - Lyijy, tasapaino
Brukte batterier priser
Bat - Lyijyakut
Katalysatorer kjøp priser
Kobber skrap priser
Kupari A
Kupari B
Cu - Sähkömoottorit < 10%
Cu - Kompressorit, käsitellyt
Messing skrap priser
Messinki sekalainen
Pronssi / Punametalli
Rustfritt stål skrap priser
Ruostumaton teräs
Haponkestävä teräs
Skrapmetall priser
E1 Leikattava rauta
Sekalainen rauta
Puhdas pelti
Kuivat autot (nesteet ja renkaat pois)
Märät autot
* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.