VEKTRA M. Kaszuba Sp. k. Prezzo d acquisto, Gdańsk | Cash for scrap metal Gdansk city, Poland / Scrap metal prices. We offe...  

VEKTRA M. Kaszuba Sp. k. 58701/1

ul. Litewska 4/4a
Gdańsk, Polonia
(+48) 58 305-71-03
I - V 7:00 -15:00, sobota: 7:00 -12:00
Cash for scrap metal Gdansk city, Poland / Scrap metal prices. We offer very affordable prices and a lightning-fast mplementation of the transaction, the customer will receive the money directly to hands. Non-ferrous metals and scrap metal are bought equally from firms, and individual persons. We accept almost all non-ferrous metals, so there will be no problems with their sale. Accumulators purchase. Piling up old and idle batteries in your basement, or in the attic is not the best solution. In this situation, you should decide about their sale. Such batteries will not be used, but there is a chance to earn more on them. A good solution may be in this situation, the professional buying of batteries, which can be resorted to by every person who owns the battery. Your household produces large amounts of aluminum packaging that you throw away? Does your company have aluminum in stock? Come to us and turn a problem into money. Take advantage of our services. Storing old and discharged batteries in your basement or attic is not the best solution. In such a situation, it is worth deciding to sell them. Such batteries will no longer be used, and there is a chance to earn money on them. The solution in this situation will be a professional battery purchase, which anyone with a battery for sale can go to. As you know, storing such a battery is not convenient, it takes up a lot of space and is simply inconvenient. Many of us think that such a battery may come in handy someday, but if it has any defects, it is not worth keeping such a battery, but visit the purchase as soon as possible. Professionals will take care of the valuation of the delivered goods, and then you will be able to collect the proper money for it.
Currency converter

Last updated: 2025.01.14
Prezzo acciaio usato
0.95 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal nierdzewna wsad >8% Ni
0.761 €/kg no changes
Price change Stal nierdzewna - wióry
wymienniki NiCu
Stal nierdzewna 316 – V4A
Prezzo alluminio usato
2.328 €/kg price up
Price change AL linka, płaskowniki energetyczne, bez złączek
2.186 €/kg price down
Price change AL profile białe poprodukcja do 1m
2.186 €/kg price up
Price change AL offset
1.947 €/kg price up
Price change AL felgi czyste, osobowe, bez ciężarków i wentyli
1.947 €/kg price up
Price change AL profile kolor poamortyzacja do 1m
1.71 €/kg price up
Price change AL izoprofile okienne nowe do 1m
1.687 €/kg price up
Price change AL spożywcze białe, garnki, blachy >99% Al
1.283 €/kg no changes
Price change AL plastyka bez Fe
1.117 €/kg price up
Price change AL puszki
1.046 €/kg no changes
Price change AL chłodnice czyste
0.832 €/kg price down
Price change AL wióry suche (bez plastiku)
ALMg3 poprodukcja blachy czyste do 5% Mg
AL odlewy magnezowe
AL odlewy w całości poprodukcja
AL odlewy w całości do 2% Fe
AL linka z Fe min. 65% AL. bez złączek
AL sektor błyszczący 99,9%
AL/CU chłodnice czyste, wsadowe
AL/CU chłodnice czyste niewsadowe
AL izoprofile okienne nowe z pianką
AL profile białe poamortyzacja do 1m
AL profile kolor poprodukcja do 1m
Prezzo batterie esauste
0.428 €/kg no changes
Price change Akumulatory ołowiowe
Prezzo ferro al kg
0.19 €/kg price down
Price change Złom stalowy gruby >4mm
0.143 €/kg price down
Price change Złom stalowy cienki <4mm
Prezzo ottone usato
4.774 €/kg price up
Price change Chłodnice Mo/Cu oczyszczone
4.441 €/kg price up
Price change Wióry Mo/Br mix suche >70% Cu, bez Fe
4.418 €/kg price up
Price change Mosiądz - pobiał
Mosiądz otoczka jednorodna
Mosiądz żółty, bez łusek, M63 włosy, mo58/59 odlewy
Mosiądz łuski bez Fe
Mo58/59, żółty poprodukcja
Mo63 kawałki poamortyzacja
Mo63 kawałki poprodukcyjne
Wióry brązu, mix >80% Cu
Brąz magnetyczny
Brąz niemagnetyczny
Brąz B101
Prezzo piombo usato
1.306 €/kg price down
Price change Ołów czysty suchy
1.092 €/kg price down
Price change Ołów - z jutą, smołą
1.092 €/kg price down
Price change Ołów mokry, przetopki
Ołów - odważniki do kół
Prezzo rame usato
7.91 €/kg price up
Price change CU kawałki świecące: rurki, blachy, trakcja
7.53 €/kg price up
Price change CU kawałki bez spawów i lutów
7.505 €/kg price up
Price change CU granulat 3, min. 97% Cu suchy
7.292 €/kg price up
Price change CU niesort - nawój, lakier, palona
7.292 €/kg price up
Price change CU pobiał niesort, pocynowany
7.055 €/kg price up
Price change CU wióry
6.889 €/kg price up
Price change CU piecyki bez końcówek Mo, Cu chłodnice
5.463 €/kg price up
Price change CU mika, preszpan, bawełna, cewki, >90%Cu
2.731 €/kg price down
Price change Wiązki samochodowe bez klem i skrzynek
1.188 €/kg no changes
Price change Alternatory
0.879 €/kg price down
Price change Rozruszniki
CU granulat 2, min. 98,5% Cu suchy
CU granulat 1A, świecący z drutu > 1mm
CU pobiał energetyczny - liny, druty, płaskowniki
CU cienka millbery < 1mm, świecący płaskownik
CU millbery - drut świecący > 1 mm
Silniki elektryczne do 500kg
Silniki elektryczne do 200kg
Silniki elektryczne powyżej 500kg do 1000 kg

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.