Catalytic converters and Electronic scrap analysis | 

Catalytic converters and Electronic scrap analysis


The company UAB Metralis offers precious metal (Pt, Pd, Rh, Au, Ag) content determination by ICP-OES. All samples undergo customized preparation prior to ICP-OES, therefore we can reliably determine precious metal.
Determination exact composition of the material. Our clients always analyze their material before selling to refiners compare with samples of refiners, to ensure correct results and save money. We can help to increase profit by interceding between catalytic converter buyers and refiners. We have experience analyzing samples from biggest refiners from around the world. Our specialists know the best way to analyze samples from each refiner.

To ensure correct material preparation and sampling processes, our laboratory helps clients check their techniques before selling to refiners. Ceramics, which are processed and packed, should show consistent readings regardless of where the samples are taken. Our experienced specialists can advise clients how to process materials for optimal results properly.
Laboratory offers core analysis for catalytic converters to determine their exact value. We use a three-stage milling system to prepare samples for precise ICP-OES analysis, ensuring accurate results. Clients receive the exact weight of the monolith and the content of precious metals, including Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium.
Electronic scrap.
Almost all electronic devices rely on precious metals, such as gold, palladium, and silver, for their exceptional electrical conductivity. These metals can be found in various electronic components, including computers, televisions, mobile phones, circuit boards, telecom boards, semiconductors, automotive boards, home appliances, and more. Our laboratory can determine value of electronic waste for scrap vendors, collectors, recyclers, refiners.
We maintain accuracy and precision in our work by following the strictest guidelines, procedures, and quality control measures. Our laboratory utilizes trusted methods to assay a wide variety of automotive and industrial catalysts, as well as precious metals found in all types of electronic waste.
Our customers use our analysis results for a variety of purposes, including test and control, commercial applications, and financial exchanges. Laboratory analyses help refiners and suppliers determine if umpire analysis is necessary.
XRF (X-ray fluorescence) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials. XRF analyzers determine the chemistry of a sample by measuring the fluorescent (or secondary) X-ray emitted from a sample when it is excited by a primary X-ray source. Each of the elements present in a sample produces a set of characteristic fluorescent X-rays (“a fingerprint”) that is unique for that specific element, which is why XRF spectroscopy is an excellent technology for qualitative and quantitative analysis of material composition.
Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) is a powerful chemical analysis method, which is used to identify both trace amounts and major concentrations of nearly all elements within a sample. Metralis provides ICP Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), also known as ICP Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).
Note that XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analysis method has 10 percent error and ICP-OES around 2 percent error.
As for the test purposes we could make one free analysis for you, if you would like to check material or compare results.
Liubčios g. 8, Vilnius
14310, Lithuania